I found a couple hours before work to get out on the Fox River this morning. I dropped in at Lyons Park in Fox River Grove and headed into the wind.. south. I have paddled this section a few times, but like many trips, I found some new places to explore. This trip became all about the channels that branch off this section of the river.

I found the first channel right past the first cove on the East side of the river. It seemed like it was more from flooding, but it was deep enough to paddle so I went for it. I got about 100 feet into it and it narrowed pretty quick. I was hoping there was going to be enough room to turn around cause the current was moving quick and I wasn't looking forward to riding it backwards!

I was able to get the canoe in pretty far before I was stopped by a downed tree. Luckily, there was a opening that was about 20 feet wide to flip the 16 foot canoe around in. I had to pivot it on a dime to get it pointing back through the small gaps to get out. I thought that I was going in when I cut on gap too close and brushed a sunk stump...but all was well.
Right around the corner from that channel was a slightly larger one that was moving just as fast. This one went through a few backyards before it came to a little waterfall. I was able to spin the canoe again just before the quick ride back out to the river. It was an exciting little ride!

The best little channel ride in this section of the Fox is hard to find. I noticed it on my way back. It is on the West side of the river, just South of Lyons Park. It is a small mouth to the river, but it is there.

This channel is lined with seawall and it feels more like a walking path than a waterway. The homes that are on this section are all placed up steep banks and it adds to the depth of the channel.

I was expecting to come to a dead end as I rounded each turn. I was surprised to see that the channel kept going.

The channel really tapered down around the last turn and I was expecting a shallow, algae covered pond. As I came around that turn I heard rushing water. I was so happy to see a very cool waterfall at the back of the channel. It was such a great way to end this trip and I felt that I had discovered a real treasure. Although there were houses on either side of the fall and I am sure other paddlers had been back here, I still felt that I had just discovered new territory. I love exploring these little channels; you never know what is around the next little bend.

Want to see more pictures from this and other trips on the Fox?
Here you go!
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