I snuck out onto Lilly Lake after work today. I was also able to bring my little co-paddler out with me to explore the back side of the lake. Today was one of those days when I was debating on going out. There was talk of storms coming through and the wind was pretty strong. I was afraid that I was just going out to go out. But, as always, it was worth going out.

We headed right to the channels on the back side of the lake. The algae and lily pads are starting to go. One of the channels was already covered over in algae. There was also a lot of downed trees back there. It was fun to weave in and out of them. It is creepy when the canoe bumps over one. That still spooks me for some reason....if though I know it is a log, I imagine it being some huge creature under the surface.

We got to see a Heron very close. He flew right up the channel at us. I think it may have been the closest that I have ever been to one.

The Heron was the coolest wildlife we saw on this trip. There was a lot of action under the water, but nothing popped up. We saw plenty of bubbles and ripples, but no actual animal.

The trip was a success and we dodged the rain. The wind was the factor on this one. With the big canoe, the wind catches it and spins it around very quickly. I have been paddling with a 7 foot kayak paddle. It comes in handy in the wind. I keep the wind to one side and use the full length of the paddle on one side of the boat. I grab the shaft with one hand and the 'dry' blade in the other. This allows me to use the full 7 feet and make a long swoop motion. This counteracts the pressure of the wind and keep the boat straight. It looks goofy as heck, but it works great.

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