Thursday, May 17, 2012

Another Paddler Is Born

Lake Atwood is becoming a part of the family memories.  Yesterday, my 7 year old and I brought out the lil one for a paddle trip.  She is 2 and loves the water so I was a little nervous that she would just jump ship and want to float around. She grabbed her vest, jumped in the boat, and had a seat!

Atwood is a great lake for kids because the water is so clear.  We spent our time paddling the shore and looking at the fish.  It was like a back stage pass at the aquarium.  Our new mate was very excited when a fish swam by.

It didn't take long for her to want to take a swing with the paddle.  Even though the paddle was twice her size, she had the right idea.  She even took a couple bumps to the noggin with the handle end.  She was a trooper.

The canoe is nice and low on the sides so she was able to sit on the floor of the boat and still hang over the side.  She splashed and drug her hand through the water as we scooted across the smooth lake.  Her sweatshirt was soaked by the time we got off the water...... but it was worth it.

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