This past week I paddled "Lake in the Hills". Based on the LITH website, I think the actual lake is called Woods Creek Lake. There is a permit required to use the lake and most of the beaches and access are gated......except
Nockels Park and LaBahn Hain House. There is a parking lot and launch at this location. There is a sign that states there is a user fee and the rates for residents and non residents. I searched on the LITH website about the user fee and it mostly says you must be a resident. I just risked it and went.

It's a great lake to kill some time on. I thought that it would be a little more "northern woods" feel, with steep horizons and a lot of trees, but it wasn't really. It still had a woody feeling though. I went late in the evening and there were only a few fishermen out. The water was very smooth.

At the far Northeast side of the lake there is a spillway that is clearly marked. At the other end of the lake, the water drops to a few inches deep and turns into a small creek. The police station is also located at that end of the lake.

There is a nice little island park towards the south end of the lake that you can paddle around. There is something about paddling under bridges that I just NEED to feel. So, yes.... I paddled under the small foot bridge and almost got stuck....but it was worth it.

As I was heading back to the launch, the boy scouts were coming out on the lake. The parking lot was full and there was a lot of activity with the scouts. I was able to slip out as if I was never there in the first place.
I am not advising you to avoid the user fee and paddle this lake...but I didn't have any issues.

Paddle on