Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Morning Coffee

This morning I grabbed my thermos and headed to the river just as the sun was coming up.  I got out to Lions Park in Fox River Grove and headed North up the Fox.  This section is becoming my home base.  It's close to home and there is plenty of mileage in both directions.

Coming under NW Highway, I was headed right into the sun for a good distance.  It was pretty blinding.  The birds were the only other creature I saw out there this time.  There was one fish that jumped for me, but other than that, it was just the birds and I.  It was a great way to start the day. 

I only paddled a couple miles up river before I decided to let the current flip me around.  I poured some coffee and started my lazy paddle back.  On the way back, I stopped into Beaver Cove to see if I could see any action in there before getting off the water.

I was pretty deep into the cove when I came across the Goose below.  Usually, the birds always fly away or move when the canoe is coming too close.  This guy switched it up on me and turned towards me.  I thought it  was pretty neat that he was getting so close....until he got too close.  He gave me the head nod a couple times then fluffed out his wings.  That's when I started back paddling and making my way back out of the cove.  Now, I do feel a little embarrassed that a goose won a game of chicken with my 16 ft canoe.... but I did not want to ruin my morning by getting attacked by a territorial goose.  He strong armed me (or strong winged me rather) out of the cove, and I am ok with that.  I know when I am not

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